The Corporate Communications Experience 2 - Belgrade
March 8, 2012 - March 9, 2012, in Belgrade, Serbia
About the Event
Last year over 300 corporate communications professionals attended the region's first ever global event on PR and corporate communications. This year we are taking the event to a completely new level by including presentations by speakers whose work is changing the global PR world. Get your ticket now!

Patrick Jephson Former Chief Of Staff To Princess Diana

Mary Jo Jacobi Former Special Assistant to President Ronald Reagan, Former Assistant US Commerce Secretary for President George H.W. Bush, British Civil Service Commissioner
Piers Rosenfeld-Schreiber BT

Alan Oliver Nationwide

Wendy Gold GE Power Conversion

Medard Schoenmaeckers Credit-Suisse
Milorad Ajder Ipsos Corporate Reputation
Andrew Widger Pfizer

Richard Stephenson Civil Aviation Authority
DAY ONE – 8 MARCH 2012
Registration And Morning Coffee
Chairman’s Opening Remarks
Jelena Kovacevic. Executive Director, Represent Communications
Opening Masterlcass
Reputation Management Masterclass
Building And Maintaining Strong Corporate Reputation
Mary Jo Jacobi, Former VP External Relations And Communications, BP and Former Chief Reputation Officer for HSBC, Lehman Brothers and Shell
The Importance Of Maintaining Your Personal Reputation
Patrick Jephson, Former Private Secretary, Princess Diana and Author, Shadows Of
A Princess
Moving From Reputation Risk To Market Opportunity
Milorad Ajder, Managing Director, Ipsos Mori Reputation Center
Networking And Refreshment Break
Should Corporate Communications Directors Be Part Of Your Company’s Executive Committee?
Ingmar de Gooijer,
Director Communications, Eucomed Belgium
Mastering The Politics Of PR
Richard Stephenson, Former Group PR Director, Royal Mail Group, UK
Lunch For Speakers And Delegates
Panel Discussion: The Ethics Of Communications
Milos Djajic, DSOJ
Drenislav Zekic, HUOJ
Bora Miljanovic, Represent
Milica Stefanovic, Coca Cola Hellenic
The Intersection Between Transformational Leadership, Corporate Communications And Cultural Branding – Closing The Delta
Wilson, J.A.J., Senior Lecturer and Course Leader, Advertising & Marketing Communications Management, University of Greenwich Old Royal Naval College, London
Building A Long Term Success With A Thought Leadership Programme That Is Influencing The Food Security Debate
Medard Schoenmaeckers, Director Corporate Communications, Syngenta Switzerland
Networking And Refreshment Break
Best Practice In Measuring The Effects Of Your PR Activities
Andre Manning, VP and Global Head Communications, Philips
The Global Health & Wellness Conversation: Corporate Reputation and Sustainability Solutions
DAY TWO – 9 MARCH 2012
Fiona Hall, Managing Director, Chandler Chicco Companies
Kristin Spensieri, Chandler Chicco Companies
End Of Day One And Networking Reception
Morning Coffee
Chairman’s Opening Remarks
Bora Miljanovic, Managing Director, Represent Communications
Incorporating CSR In The DNA Of Your Company
Yogesh Chauhan, Chief Advisor CSR, BBC
Leveraging CSR through Social Media To Reinforce A Super Luxury Brand
Piers Schreiber, VP Corporate Communications, Jumeirah Group Dubai
PR And CSR: How Do You Claim Authenticity?
Dr. Sabine Schauer, Corporate Communications Director, Henkel Central Eastern Europe GmbH
Lunch For Speakers And Delegates
Is Traditional PR Dead?
Alan Oliver, Head Of External Affairs, Nationwide
Injecting Social Media Into Your Existing PR Strategy
Andrew Widger, Director Media Relations, Pfizer
Networking And Refreshment Break
Social Media And Traditional PR: Why The One Cannot Exist Without The Other
Wendy Gold, Consumer PR Lead, Microsoft International
Using Social Media To Strengthen Internal Communications In Your Company
Kai Rosenberg, Senior VP Communications, Telenor Group
Chairman’s Closing Remarks
End of Conference