Registration and Morning Coffee
Welcome and Introduction
Introduction to the training objectives and agenda
Overview of the Global PR Landscape and Understanding the Top Reputational Threats
- Understanding the current global PR landscape
- Identifying and analyzing the top reputational threats in today's age of permacrisis
Taking a Stand: Navigating Political and Societal Issues
- Discussion on the importance of taking a stand in crisis management
- Strategies for effectively navigating political and societal issues while maintaining brand integrity
Avoiding Cancel Culture
- Understanding the dynamics of cancel culture
- Techniques for mitigating and responding to cancel culture threats
Lunch Break
DEI Crisis
- Exploring diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) issues in crisis management
- Best practices for addressing DEI crises and promoting inclusivity in crisis response
Interactive Case Studies
Analyzing real-world case studies related to the topics covered during the morning sessions
Q&A and Discussion
Open forum for questions, discussions, and reflections on Day One topics
Morning Coffee
How to Avoid Greenwashing
- Understanding greenwashing and its implications for reputation management
- Strategies for authentic and responsible environmental messaging
Media Relations in an Age of Permanent Crisis
- Adapting media relations strategies to the challenges of permacrisis
- Building and maintaining positive relationships with media outlets
Social Media Crisis Management
- Recognizing the unique challenges of managing crises on social media platforms
- Developing effective strategies for crisis communication on social media
Lunch Break
Crisis Exercises
- Practical crisis simulation exercises designed to test participants' skills and knowledge
- Debrief and discussion following each exercise
Post-Exercise Analysis
- Reflecting on lessons learned from the crisis exercises
- Identifying areas for improvement in crisis management strategies
Conclusion and Next Steps
- Summary of key takeaways from the training
- Discussion on implementing learnings into participants' crisis management plans
End of Training